



Emerging Leaders 研讨会 and 网络广播

Examples of recent 新兴领袖计划 workshops include:

In the Black:  Fox Finances to Keep You Out of the Red

主讲嘉宾:Philip LaRocco,注册会计师,注册会计师,专业讲师,圣母学院管理学院.

We constantly hear horror stories about college students and debt. From FICO scores to funding your dreams, 这个广受欢迎且内容丰富的研讨会帮助参与者了解早期金融投资以及如何避免常见的散兵坑,同时获得预算制定的技能, 管理和行政. The information you come away with can be applied to college organizations, 实习的经历, employment settings and your own bottom line.


It’s All Greek to Me:  Ancient Wisdom in the Modern Age

主讲嘉宾:James Snyder, 荣誉项目 Director and Associate Professor of Philosophy, 文理学院, bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

困难, 混乱的, 压力是我们生活中不可避免的一部分,领导者必须驾驭它. 通常在分析重要决策时,我们关注的是具体行动的结果, measuring their success or failure. 这次演讲探讨了一个不同的框架,而不是采用基于性格的领导方法. It adopts a Virtue Ethics framework, adopted from Classical Greek antiquity, 为我们如何最好地处理困难和压力的情况提供一些启示.


Life Skills for Leaders: Power Conversations

演讲嘉宾:博士. 伊丽莎白·奎因,玛丽斯特学院社会与行为科学副教授.

这个工作坊包含了一个实际的冲击,因为参与者学习更有效地沟通.  In her popular Life Skills for Leaders workshops, Dr. Quinn will teach you techniques that get the results you want in your career, in your 领导 roles and in your personal life.  Participants will learn how to push past passivity, 消除侵略, and master the principles of assertive communication.



Guest Speaker: Colin McCann, Associate Director of First Year Programs & 领导力发展 and Adjunct Lecturer in Communication, bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Our embrace of technology has led to changes in our behavior. These changes are a hot topic in the dawn of the 21st century. 在有记载的历史中,获取信息和他人的途径从未如此丰富,也从未如此容易. 这个程序检查我们的技术依赖可能对我们互动的方式(和质量)产生的影响. Proficiency in electronic communication, particularly through the Internet and social media, is now expected among young leaders. You will be asked to turn off devices for the duration of this event. 的恐怖!



Telecast Speaker:   Thaddeus Bullard (aka Titus O'Neil), WWE摔跤手, 社会活动家, 退役足球运动员.

Thaddeus Bullard is well known for his work in the ring, but also heavily involved in charity work with various nonprofit groups, helping hundreds of student-athletes get into college, 带领企业志愿者在课外活动中为孩子们读书, and using his story to inspire people to volunteer.   Participants will learn how we all have the power to change someone's life, the importance of having respect for yourself and others, and why being kind impacts the world.



演讲嘉宾:Daniel Torres ' 13/ ' 18M,副镇长,New Paltz, 纽约.

From being elected to the School Board as a senior in high school, to helping college students earn the right to vote in their districts, 最近又提议立法,让新帕尔茨对“梦想家”更安全,” Councilman Torres proudly wears the label of “trouble maker.“通过故事和策略, 这个研讨会讨论了我们每个人在任何年龄都有适当地寻求社会正义和改变现状的权力. 



主讲嘉宾:Keryl Pesce,作家,企业家,电台主持人,励志演说家.

那些消极地相信生活发生在我们身上的人并不了解杰克. 事实是,杰克相信他的魔豆而变得富有的故事更接近事实. 在这个研讨会上, 无限的凯丽尔·佩斯, happiness expert and co-host of "The Happy Hour," will show you the science and methods behind manifesting happiness, 财富, 和机会.


# 为TheCulture

演讲嘉宾:博士. 水晶Brandow, 高级项目助理, 政策研究助理, 奥尔巴尼,纽约, 还有贾斯敏·布兰多, 联合创始人“人类”工作坊, 布鲁克林, 纽约.

为了纪念黑人历史, The Center for Multicultural Affairs (CMA), 与ELP合作, proudly 现在s an interactive conversation about the past, 现在, and future of people of color in America.  This is NOT a class lecture, but an EXPERIENCE designed for the Marist community.  准备好学习、分享和参与与身份和文化相关的话题.  特别嘉宾,Crystal L. 布兰多博士和贾斯敏S. Brandow, MA, will guide conversation and activities for this inclusive event. 



演讲嘉宾:Melissa Lulay,一年级项目办公室助理主任 & 领导力发展, bet亚洲365欢迎投注, 还有詹妮弗·昂特布林克, 副主任, 学生活动, bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

梅丽莎·卢莱和詹妮弗·昂特布林克在高等教育的主要国家会议上提出了多个bet亚洲365欢迎投注最大化我们成年生活中的过渡时刻的研讨会. Whether you are contemplating a semester abroad, 计划一次暑期体验, or facing the “real world” after college, 领导者将学会如何处理生活中有时棘手的转变,同时发现在这个过程中他们并不孤单.



Telecast Speaker:  Kathryn Minshew, Entrepreneur, CEO and Co-Founder of The Muse.

27岁时, Kathryn Minshew co-founded The Muse, 这个职业平台每年帮助超过5000万人寻求职业满意度,而不仅仅是下一份工作.  Minshew strives to “make work more human.” In addition to advocating for The Muse, Kathryn is a sought after voice on topics such as entrepreneurship, 筹款, 领导, 管理, 企业文化建设, 让工作更人性化, 她还上过CNN, 彭博电视, 美国全国广播公司, 狐狸, 和《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》, and also contributed to the Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review.  Participants will hear Kathryn’s advice on:  navigating through the new world of work; discussing the new rules for finding the right path, strategizing the new rules for landing the perfect job; and understanding the new rules for growing and advancing your career. 


The Sum of Our Parts Makes the Whole Difference


被选为领导者,通过参加学生执行委员会来领导领导者,创造了独特的群体动力.  当领导者在领导力发展中共同领导其他领导者时,会是什么样子?  The short answer is that by following a purposeful path we are better together.  这个车间, 由圣母学院新兴领袖学生执行委员会的成员制定并完整呈现, provides a glimpse of ELP life behind the scenes, 同时给有抱负的领导者一个互动的机会来学习更多的团队动力.


From the Classroom to the Boardroom:  Memoirs of A Student Leader 

Guest Speaker:  Michael Johnson ‘13/’17M, 作者, 董事会成员, Montville Township Board of Education; Vice President, 蒙特维尔的基瓦尼斯俱乐部, NJ; and Paralegal, Dewey Pegno & 基律师事务所.

As a shy high school senior from Montvale, 新泽西, Mike Johnson arrived at college ready for transformation. 他把目标定在了最高的职位上:SGA主席,但他没有赢得选举. 然而,在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的这段时间里,迈克不仅仅是在红狐窝里找到了自己的位置.  他在SGA服务的经历和在新兴领袖计划执行委员会的经历帮助他塑造了一个继续影响他职业生涯的人.  这次研讨会重点介绍了他成为学生领袖的历程,讨论了这些重要的大学经历如何帮助他从课堂走向董事会.


Be Your Best from the Inside Out: Ethics and 领导  

演讲嘉宾:博士. Joanne Gavin, Associate Dean and Professor, bet亚洲365欢迎投注 School of 管理.

领导, 尤其是道德领导, stems directly from an individual's decision-making skills. The ability to assess a situation, 开发替代方案并选择解决方案深深植根于我们的认知道德发展. 参与者将评估自己的发展水平,并讨论对个人决策能力的影响.


Overcoming Adversity as a Path to 领导

演讲嘉宾:博士. James Phillips, Associate Dean, bet亚洲365欢迎投注 School of 管理.

领导力的核心要求是有能力解决围绕不可避免的变革问题而产生的自然冲突.  知道你是谁, 你如何领导以及如何克服你自己的风格所带来的障碍,这些都是绘制通往成功结果之路的必要元素.  在这个互动而又内省的工作坊中,参与者将更多地了解自己的风格, 批判性倾听的艺术, and useful techniques for managing the pushback that change makers face.


Finish First:  Winning Changes Everything

电视发言人:斯科特·汉密尔顿, 奥运冠军, 电视广播公司, 慈善家, 作家和励志演说家.

奥运冠军, 电视广播公司, 慈善家, 作者, 励志演说家, cancer survivor and eternal optimist, 斯科特·汉密尔顿是世界上最受认可的男子花样滑冰运动员,也是“好人”可以率先完成比赛的活生生的例子.  本学期最后一场活动的参与者将听到汉密尔顿bet亚洲365欢迎投注为什么我们不应该满足于平庸的理论, 鼓励我们隐藏的潜能, and use competition to achieve personal excellence.

